Thursday, May 1, 2008

It was written that after the "Great Flood" the "World of Enoch" was still visible in the earthly sky for a very brief period. It must have been a large and highly visible object to have motivated an entire society to build a Tower in order to reach it. But, like most history, there is much more to it.

After Noah landed the Ark, his Three Sons: Shem, Japheth and Ham went their separate ways and started their own societies. Shem (or his descendant), built and reigned over the City of Salem and went from a very corrupt society to a very righteous one. They recognized that no tower could be built by "Science" to take them into the World of Enoch (Zion). They were taught by their king, who is referred to as Melchizedek, that the only way to Heaven was through the purification of the mind and the heart. Melchizedek and his people also worshiped Jesus Christ. This fact was known to Paul and he explained it quite well in his letter to the Hebrews (Convert Jews).

Babel was run by a Luciferian known as Nimrod. Following the dictates of his spiritual master; he sought to lead his people by exploiting the weaknesses of lust and fear. Anything was permitted except political opposition. Thus "Babylon" placed itself squarely opposite of "Salem" and the two civilizations met on the battlefield.

Shem/Melchizedek reportedly slew Nimrod and cut his body into pieces and sent them to the Four Winds. Not a small feat, considering the fact that Nimrod was known for his military prowess and skill on the field of battle. He was also known as a sterile homosexual incapable of leaving an heir; and brutal and ruthless dictator. His wife was known as the royal "whore" that delighted in orgies and other sexual abominations.

Later, both Nimrod and his wife were worshiped as pagan deities. He was worshiped as Baal/Molech and his wife was worshiped as the goddess Ashteroth. Their symbol became that pictured above. Although it is referred to as the "Star of Molech" it is really a combination of the symbol of the female (downward pointing triangle) and male (upward pointing triangle). Thus it is the combination of Baal/Molech and Ashteroth. The worship included Human Sacrifice and male homosexuality for Baal/Molech and sexual orgies and feasts for Ashteroth.

Thus one of the "Beasts" (or corrupt governments) that God repeatedly condemns in Revelation is called "Mystery" or "Babylon the Great". Also known as the "Mother of Harlots and Abominations" that forces all of the nations of the earth to drink from her cup which is filled with filthiness.

The "Book of Revelation" also tells us that in her is found "all of the Blood of the Saints". Her end is to be destroyed by fire. Her friends; the merchants of the earth, will stand back and watch her burn from the safety of their merchant ships. They will mourn her loss because it means an end to her ability to make them money.

So, "Babylon, the Harlot", has always been with us and will be with us until the end because she makes a whole lot of people a whole lot of money by selling them things to "consume on their lusts". Although she hides behind the mask of "freedom" she is the ultimate persecutor of the people that follow God and uses her influence with governments to slay and persecute them.

Thus, we can safely conclude that "The Harlot" is an economic system that peddles its wares to the most base of human impulses: Sexual Lust; Perversion; Greed; Gluttony; Excess; Blasphemy; and Addiction.

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